Scholarly Articles
36. Oswald, F., **Walton, K., **Orlova, L., **Ayad, J., **Hooper, A., & Pedersen, C. L. (Accepted). “I had already reconciled with
being a slut when I came out as bisexual”: Experiences of binormativity, prototypicality, and marginalization within the bisexual
community. Journal of Bisexuality.
35. Oswald, F. (Accepted). Antifatness in the Ozempic era: State of the landscape and considerations for future research. Fat
34. Oswald, F. (Accepted). Positionality statements should not force us to "out" ourselves. Nature Human Behavior.
33. Oswald, F., **Orlova, L., **Walton, K., **Lopes, A., & Pedersen, C.L. (In press). “They might be wondering why I didn’t set my
sights higher”: Associative stigma in sexual and romantic relationships with fat partners. The Journal of Sex
32. Oswald, F., & *Samra, S.K. (In press). A scoping review and index of body stimuli in psychological science. Behavior Research
31. Oswald, F., Griffin, J.W., Weisbuch, M., & Adams, R.B. (2023). People watching: Social perception and the ensemble coding of
bodies. Journal of Nonverbal Behavior, 47, 545-568.
30. Oswald, F., Pedersen, C.L., & Matsick, J.L. (2023). Gayzing women’s bodies: Criticisms of labia depend on the gender and sexual orientation of perceivers. The Journal of Sex Research, 60(6), 827-840.
29. Oswald, F., *Champion, A., *Khera, D., **Young, M., & Pedersen, C.L. (2023). Stereotype application at the intersection of
body shape, gender/sex, and sexual orientation. The Journal of Sex Research, 60(6), 841-858.
28. Oswald, F., *Champion, A., **Brown, K., **Walton, K., & Pedersen, C.L. (2023). Revealing more than gender: Rigid gender-role beliefs and transphobia are related to engagement with fetal sex celebrations. Psychology of Sexual Orientation and Gender Diversity, 10(2), 304-310.
27. Oswald, F., & Adams, R.B. (2023). Feminist social vision: Seeing through the lens of marginalized perceivers. Personality and Social Psychology Review, 27(3), 332-356.
26. *Stevens, S., Oswald, F., & Matsick, J.L. (2023). Latent class analysis of college women’s motivations for engaging in same-sex performativity. Personal Relationships, 30(2), 544-565.
25. **Hattie, D., Oswald, F., & Pedersen, C.L. (2023). The effects of body esteem dimensions on sexual esteem in men. Psychology & Sexuality, 14(2), 383-398.
24. Oswald, F., & Matsick, J.L. (2023). Understanding body size and bisexuality via Femme Theory: An investigation of self- and meta- perceptions of gender expression. Fat Studies [special issue on Fat Femininities], 12(1), 100-119.
23. Oswald, F., **Walton, K., *Khera, D., *Champion, A., & Pedersen, C.L. (2022). Evaluations of Black and White female genitalia
by labiaplasty status: A preregistered contextualization, replication, and extension of findings on labial perceptions. The Journal
of Sex Research, 59(9), 1163-1174.
22. Griffin, J.W., & Oswald, F. (2022). A multilevel Bayesian meta-analysis of the body inversion effect: Evaluating controversies
over headless and sexualized bodies. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 29, 1558-1593.
21. Champion, A., Oswald, F., & Pedersen, C.L. (2022). Forcible, substance-facilitated, and incapacitated sexual assault among university women: A Canadian sample. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 37(13-14), 11198-11222.
20. Champion, A., Oswald, F., Khera, D., & Pedersen, C.L. (2022). Examining the gendered impacts of technology-facilitated sexual violence: A mixed methods approach. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 51, 1607-1624.
19. Oswald, F., Champion, A., Hughes, S., & Pedersen, C.L. (2022). In search of the appeal of the DILF. Psychology & Sexuality,
13(2), 283-301.
18. Matsick, J.L., Oswald, F., & Kruk, M. (2022). Missing perspective: Marginalized groups in the social psychological study of social disparities [peer commentary]. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 45, e82.
17. Oswald, F., Stevens, S., Kruk, M., **Murphy, C.I., & Matsick, J.L. (2022). Signaling sizeism: An assessment of body size-based threat and safety cues. Analyses of Social Issues and Public Policy, 22(1), 378-407.
16. Oswald, F., Champion, A., Khera, D., **Mitchell, J., & Pedersen, C.L. (2022). Bisexual stereotypes apply differently by body size: An assessment of bisexual prototypicality, trait application, and body size. Journal of Bisexuality, 21(4), 484-515.
15. Oswald, F., Champion, A., & Pedersen, C.L. (2022). The influence of body shape on impressions of sexual traits. The Journal of Sex Research, 59(3), 330-343.
14. *[1]Clark, J., [1]Oswald, F., & Pedersen, C.L. (2021). Flirting with gender: The complexity of gender in flirting behavior. Sexuality
& Culture, 25, 1690-1706.
13. Matsick, J.L., [1]Kruk, M., [1]Oswald, F., & [1]Palmer, L. (2021). Bridging feminist psychology with open science: Feminist tools
and shared values inform best practices for science reform. Psychology of Women Quarterly [special issue on Feminist
Psychology and Open Science: Challenges and Opportunities], 45(4), 412-429.​
12. Oswald, F., **Khera, D., & Pedersen, C.L. (2021). The association of genital appearance satisfaction, penis size importance, and penis-centric masculinity to chronically discriminatory ideologies among heterosexual men. Psychology of Men & Masculinities, 22(4), 704-714.​
11. **Skoda, K., Oswald, F., **Shorter, L., & Pedersen, C.L. (2021). Perceptions of variation in female genitalia following labiaplasty. The Journal of Sex Research, 58(7), 943-950.​
10. Oswald, F., **Khera, D., **Walton, K., & Pedersen, C.L. (2021). Blatant sexual deception: Content, individual differences, and implications. Personality and Individual Differences, 183, 111118.
9. Champion, A., Oswald, F., & Pedersen, C.L. (2021). Technology-facilitated sexual violence & suicide risk: A serial mediation model investigating bullying, depression, perceived burdensomeness, and thwarted belongingness. The Canadian Journal of Human Sexuality, 30(1), 125-141.
8. Skoda, K., Oswald, F., Brown, K., Hesse, C., & Pedersen, C.L. (2020). Showing skin: Tattoo visibility status, personality, sensation- seeking, and egalitarianism as predictors of sexual openness among women. Sexuality & Culture, 24, 1935-1956.
7. Oswald, F., & Matsick, J.L. (2020). Examining responses to women’s same-sex performativity: Perceptions of sexual orientation and implications for bisexual prejudice. Journal of Bisexuality, 20(4), 417-455.
6. Matsick, J. L., Wardecker, B. M., & Oswald, F. (2020). Treat sexual stigma to heal health disparities: Improving sexual minorities’ health outcomes. Policy Insights from the Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 7(2), 205-213. [special issue on Social Psychology and Social Issues].
5. Oswald, F., Lopes, A., Hesse, C., Skoda, K., & Pedersen, C.L. (2020). I’ll show you mine so you’ll show me yours: Motivations for photographic exhibitionism. The Journal of Sex Research, 57(5), 597-609.
Consortium Authorship
4. Delios, A., Clemente, E., Wu, T., Tan, H., Wang, Y., Gordon, M., Viganola, D., Chen, Z., Dreber, A., Johannesson, M., Pfieffer, T, Generalizability Tests Forecasting Collaboration [Oswald, F., & 137 others], & Uhlmann, E. (2022). Examining the generalizability of research findings from archival data. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 119(30), e2120377119.
3. Tierney, W., Hardy, J., Ebersole, C.R., Viganola, D., Clemente, E., Gordon, M., Hoogeven, S., Haaf, J., Dreber, A., Johannesson, M., Pfeiffer, T., Vaughn, L.A., DeMarree, K., Igou, E., Chapman, H., Gantman, A., Vanaman, M., Wylie, J., Storbeck, J., Andreychik, M.R., McPhetres, J., Culture & Work Morality Forecasting Collaboration [Oswald, F., & 212 others], & Uhlmann, E.L. (2021). A creative destruction approach to replication: Implicit work and sex morality across cultures. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 93, 104060.
2. Tierney, W., Hardy, J., Ebersole, C.R., Leavitt, K., Viganola, D., Clemente, E., Gordon, M., Dreber, A., Johannesson, M., Pfeiffer, T., Hiring Decisions Forecasting Collaboration [Oswald, F., & 193 others], & Uhlmann, E.L. (2020). Creative destruction in
science. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 161, 291-309.
Book Reviews
1. Oswald, F. (2021). Esther D. Rothblum (Ed.), The Oxford handbook of sexual and gender minority mental health. Feminism &
Psychology, 31(3), 455-457.
Book Chapters
1. Oswald, F. (Forthcoming). From pixels to power: Critical feminist questions for the ethics of computer vision. In J.Z. Wang & R.
B. Adams, Jr. (Eds.), Modeling visual aesthetics, emotion, and artistic style. Springer.
White Papers
1. Champion, A., Oswald, F., Pearson, S., & Pedersen, C.L. (2023). Technology-facilitated sexual violence: Report on intersectional environmental scan [White paper]. Campus BC/Women and Gender Equality Canada.
[1] Equal authorship contribution